Friday, April 16, 2010

hit and miss at hazy accuracy

note: this is just me thinking on paper. not an editorial. im not a big fan of sms language either, but this isnt that hard to understand..

Ok so if you’re flexible n don’t ‘stand out’ then u have and id crisis. N if ure sure of who u are then ure too proud. That’s how ppl look at u. if u urself dunno who u are, ppl dunno who u are. Simple. But. It shouldn’t matter what ppl think of who u are. Though, its human tendancy to draw pictures of ourselves based on the response of the picture-viewers. U gotta be rele strong to not give a heck about what the world says. Then again. Are u too proud to listen to what ur ‘equals’ have to say? Are u in error? Or are u just comfortable inspite of the pressures of society? Do u compromise to fit in? do u shun creativity if classified as crazitivity? Are u a slave to the world? Or is that u just want to take a shortcut to comfort? Change is good, yeah, but what or who are u changing for? The weird questions that rise that make us doubt our individuality. Do u give orders or take them? Are u respected and remembered or just a face in the crowd? How important is it to be recognized? What is ur motive behind that recognition? These are the things that we need to answer. But there is more than 1 seemingly correct answer. Always. Sometimes theyre stupid views by ur neighbor n sometimes it’s oprah. Sometimes theres just one correct answer and it’s the word of God. But how n when do we know? How much wisdom have we extracted from the throne? All u do is sit and question the issues that govern u. searching for a conclusion. But off ur own intelligence? Pah. Dream on. This way u aint getting nowhere, kid. Hit the Text, my friend.

another note: simple psychology would state that i may have an id crisis, or do i?

Sunday, April 4, 2010


It’s the marzipan that matters, isn’t it?
Just kidding
So what’s Easter anyway?
Easter is actually the day Jesus resurrected from the dead, after 3 days. So, going back, ‘good Friday’ is the day he was crucified. But if you study the calculation of time in those days, 1 day was considered more than 24 hours, thus concluding that Jesus died on a Wednesday. But we interpret the Bible with our idea of a ‘day’ and celebrate the death of Jesus on Fridays. Now the term ‘good Friday’ is not biblical. All Friday’s are good! Like most other festivals and holidays, these have been highly commercialized. There are a few spirituals who stand up and preach about the ‘true meaning of Christmas’ and all that jazz, but we’ve heard so much of it that it’s ‘just a part of the jargon’ that comes from the ‘good guys’.
Easter is a pagan festival. (google Paganism. idiots) ‘Easter’ evolved from ‘Eostre’, the Goddess of fertility (who is known as Kali in India, btw). At around the same time that Christians used to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus, Pagans celebrated the ‘annual’ death and resurrection of ‘Attis’, the partner of Cybele, the Phrygian fertility goddess. They believed he was born of a virgin, annually. (Which means he was reborn every year.. wth?). The festival began as a day of blood on ‘Black Friday’ and culminated after three days in a day of rejoicing over the resurrection. In order to convert the pagans to Christianity, missionaries fused their customs in celebrations.(not good).
I know you love the marzipan, but why are you eating an egg on the day Jesus rose from the dead? No, omelette's weren’t the 1st thing he ate. It’s a pagan custom to celebrate ‘fertility’ with eggs. They didn’t exchange sugary pastel eggs in pretty baskets; they gifted each other real eggs. And what about the famous Easter Bunny? Eostre’s earthly symbol that was worshipped was none other than a rabbit! Have you ever wondered why Playboy (not they have anything to do with fertility whatsoever) is symbolized by a bunny? (No joke..!)
All these traditions and customs seem like harmless celebration (except the calories from the chocolate bunny’s you were hogging). But the deeper you dive into the traditions of religion, the farther you get from the true relationship that God wants to have with you. It’s not about how often you go to church or how many times you repeat the ‘Our father’, it’s a simple one on one relationship with God. You don’t need to go through a ceremony or a priest, He’s always waiting for you to love him like he has always loved you.